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 * PHP Version 5
 * @file     CAS/Language/Catalan.php
 * @category Authentication
 * @package  PhpCAS
 * @author   Iván-Benjamín García Torà <ivaniclixx@gmail.com>
 * @license  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0  Apache License 2.0
 * @link     https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASC/phpCAS

 * Catalan language class
 * @class    CAS_Languages_Catalan
 * @category Authentication
 * @package  PhpCAS
 * @author   Iván-Benjamín García Torà <ivaniclixx@gmail.com>
 * @license  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0  Apache License 2.0
 * @link     https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASC/phpCAS
 * @sa @link internalLang Internationalization @endlink
 * @ingroup internalLang
class CAS_Languages_Catalan implements CAS_Languages_LanguageInterface
    * Get the using server string
    * @return string using server
    public function getUsingServer()
        return 'usant servidor';

    * Get authentication wanted string
    * @return string authentication wanted
    public function getAuthenticationWanted()
        return 'Autentificació CAS necessària!';

    * Get logout string
    * @return string logout
    public function getLogout()
        return 'Sortida de CAS necessària!';

    * Get the should have been redirected string
    * @return string should habe been redirected
    public function getShouldHaveBeenRedirected()
        return 'Ja hauria d\ haver estat redireccionat al servidor CAS. Feu click <a href="%s">aquí</a> per a continuar.';

    * Get authentication failed string
    * @return string authentication failed
    public function getAuthenticationFailed()
        return 'Autentificació CAS fallida!';

    * Get the your were not authenticated string
    * @return string not authenticated
    public function getYouWereNotAuthenticated()
        return '<p>No estàs autentificat.</p><p>Pots tornar a intentar-ho fent click <a href="%s">aquí</a>.</p><p>Si el problema persisteix hauría de contactar amb l\'<a href="mailto:%s">administrador d\'aquest llocc</a>.</p>';

    * Get the service unavailable string
    * @return string service unavailable
    public function getServiceUnavailable()
        return 'El servei `<b>%s</b>\' no està disponible (<b>%s</b>).';