<?php /** * BjyAuthorize Module (https://github.com/bjyoungblood/BjyAuthorize) * * @link https://github.com/bjyoungblood/BjyAuthorize for the canonical source repository * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License */ namespace BjyAuthorize\Collector; use BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\ProviderInterface; use Serializable; use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent; use Zend\Permissions\Acl\Role\RoleInterface; use ZendDeveloperTools\Collector\CollectorInterface; /** * Role collector - collects the role during dispatch * * @author Marco Pivetta <ocramius@gmail.com> */ class RoleCollector implements CollectorInterface, Serializable { const NAME = 'bjy_authorize_role_collector'; const PRIORITY = 150; /** * @var array|string[] collected role ids */ protected $collectedRoles = array(); /** * @var \BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\ProviderInterface|null */ protected $identityProvider; /** * @param \BjyAuthorize\Provider\Identity\ProviderInterface $identityProvider */ public function __construct(ProviderInterface $identityProvider) { $this->identityProvider = $identityProvider; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getName() { return static::NAME; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getPriority() { return static::PRIORITY; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function collect(MvcEvent $mvcEvent) { if (! $this->identityProvider) { return; } $roles = $this->identityProvider->getIdentityRoles(); if ( ! is_array($roles) && ! $roles instanceof \Traversable) { $roles = (array) $roles; } foreach ($roles as $role) { if ($role instanceof RoleInterface) { $role = $role->getRoleId(); } if ($role) { $this->collectedRoles[] = (string) $role; } } } /** * @return array|string[] */ public function getCollectedRoles() { return $this->collectedRoles; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function serialize() { return serialize($this->collectedRoles); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function unserialize($serialized) { $this->collectedRoles = unserialize($serialized); } }