 * Zend Framework (http://framework.zend.com/)
 * @link      http://github.com/zendframework/zf2 for the canonical source repository
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
 * @license   http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License

namespace Zend\Mvc;

use Zend\EventManager\EventManagerAwareInterface;
use Zend\EventManager\EventManagerInterface;
use Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager;
use Zend\Stdlib\RequestInterface;
use Zend\Stdlib\ResponseInterface;

 * Main application class for invoking applications
 * Expects the user will provide a configured ServiceManager, configured with
 * the following services:
 * - EventManager
 * - ModuleManager
 * - Request
 * - Response
 * - RouteListener
 * - Router
 * - DispatchListener
 * - MiddlewareListener
 * - ViewManager
 * The most common workflow is:
 * <code>
 * $services = new Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager($servicesConfig);
 * $app      = new Application($appConfig, $services);
 * $app->bootstrap();
 * $response = $app->run();
 * $response->send();
 * </code>
 * bootstrap() opts in to the default route, dispatch, and view listeners,
 * sets up the MvcEvent, and triggers the bootstrap event. This can be omitted
 * if you wish to setup your own listeners and/or workflow; alternately, you
 * can simply extend the class to override such behavior.
class Application implements
    const ERROR_CONTROLLER_CANNOT_DISPATCH = 'error-controller-cannot-dispatch';
    const ERROR_CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUND       = 'error-controller-not-found';
    const ERROR_CONTROLLER_INVALID         = 'error-controller-invalid';
    const ERROR_EXCEPTION                  = 'error-exception';
    const ERROR_ROUTER_NO_MATCH            = 'error-router-no-match';
    const ERROR_MIDDLEWARE_CANNOT_DISPATCH = 'error-middleware-cannot-dispatch';

     * Default application event listeners
     * @var array
    protected $defaultListeners = [

     * MVC event token
     * @var MvcEvent
    protected $event;

     * @var EventManagerInterface
    protected $events;

     * @var \Zend\Stdlib\RequestInterface
    protected $request;

     * @var ResponseInterface
    protected $response;

     * @var ServiceManager
    protected $serviceManager;

     * Constructor
     * @param ServiceManager $serviceManager
     * @param null|EventManagerInterface $events
     * @param null|RequestInterface $request
     * @param null|ResponseInterface $response
    public function __construct(
        ServiceManager $serviceManager,
        EventManagerInterface $events = null,
        RequestInterface $request = null,
        ResponseInterface $response = null
    ) {
        $this->serviceManager = $serviceManager;
        $this->setEventManager($events ?: $serviceManager->get('EventManager'));
        $this->request        = $request ?: $serviceManager->get('Request');
        $this->response       = $response ?: $serviceManager->get('Response');

     * Retrieve the application configuration
     * @return array|object
    public function getConfig()
        return $this->serviceManager->get('config');

     * Bootstrap the application
     * Defines and binds the MvcEvent, and passes it the request, response, and
     * router. Attaches the ViewManager as a listener. Triggers the bootstrap
     * event.
     * @param array $listeners List of listeners to attach.
     * @return Application
    public function bootstrap(array $listeners = [])
        $serviceManager = $this->serviceManager;
        $events         = $this->events;

        // Setup default listeners
        $listeners = array_unique(array_merge($this->defaultListeners, $listeners));

        foreach ($listeners as $listener) {

        // Setup MVC Event
        $this->event = $event  = new MvcEvent();

        // Trigger bootstrap events

        return $this;

     * Retrieve the service manager
     * @return ServiceManager
    public function getServiceManager()
        return $this->serviceManager;

     * Get the request object
     * @return \Zend\Stdlib\RequestInterface
    public function getRequest()
        return $this->request;

     * Get the response object
     * @return ResponseInterface
    public function getResponse()
        return $this->response;

     * Get the MVC event instance
     * @return MvcEvent
    public function getMvcEvent()
        return $this->event;

     * Set the event manager instance
     * @param  EventManagerInterface $eventManager
     * @return Application
    public function setEventManager(EventManagerInterface $eventManager)
        $this->events = $eventManager;
        return $this;

     * Retrieve the event manager
     * Lazy-loads an EventManager instance if none registered.
     * @return EventManagerInterface
    public function getEventManager()
        return $this->events;

     * Static method for quick and easy initialization of the Application.
     * If you use this init() method, you cannot specify a service with the
     * name of 'ApplicationConfig' in your service manager config. This name is
     * reserved to hold the array from application.config.php.
     * The following services can only be overridden from application.config.php:
     * - ModuleManager
     * - SharedEventManager
     * - EventManager & Zend\EventManager\EventManagerInterface
     * All other services are configured after module loading, thus can be
     * overridden by modules.
     * @param array $configuration
     * @return Application
    public static function init($configuration = [])
        // Prepare the service manager
        $smConfig = isset($configuration['service_manager']) ? $configuration['service_manager'] : [];
        $smConfig = new Service\ServiceManagerConfig($smConfig);

        $serviceManager = new ServiceManager();
        $serviceManager->setService('ApplicationConfig', $configuration);

        // Load modules

        // Prepare list of listeners to bootstrap
        $listenersFromAppConfig     = isset($configuration['listeners']) ? $configuration['listeners'] : [];
        $config                     = $serviceManager->get('config');
        $listenersFromConfigService = isset($config['listeners']) ? $config['listeners'] : [];

        $listeners = array_unique(array_merge($listenersFromConfigService, $listenersFromAppConfig));

        return $serviceManager->get('Application')->bootstrap($listeners);

     * Run the application
     * @triggers route(MvcEvent)
     *           Routes the request, and sets the RouteMatch object in the event.
     * @triggers dispatch(MvcEvent)
     *           Dispatches a request, using the discovered RouteMatch and
     *           provided request.
     * @triggers dispatch.error(MvcEvent)
     *           On errors (controller not found, action not supported, etc.),
     *           populates the event with information about the error type,
     *           discovered controller, and controller class (if known).
     *           Typically, a handler should return a populated Response object
     *           that can be returned immediately.
     * @return self
    public function run()
        $events = $this->events;
        $event  = $this->event;

        // Define callback used to determine whether or not to short-circuit
        $shortCircuit = function ($r) use ($event) {
            if ($r instanceof ResponseInterface) {
                return true;
            if ($event->getError()) {
                return true;
            return false;

        // Trigger route event
        $event->stopPropagation(false); // Clear before triggering
        $result = $events->triggerEventUntil($shortCircuit, $event);
        if ($result->stopped()) {
            $response = $result->last();
            if ($response instanceof ResponseInterface) {
                $event->stopPropagation(false); // Clear before triggering
                $this->response = $response;
                return $this;

        if ($event->getError()) {
            return $this->completeRequest($event);

        // Trigger dispatch event
        $event->stopPropagation(false); // Clear before triggering
        $result = $events->triggerEventUntil($shortCircuit, $event);

        // Complete response
        $response = $result->last();
        if ($response instanceof ResponseInterface) {
            $event->stopPropagation(false); // Clear before triggering
            $this->response = $response;
            return $this;

        $response = $this->response;
        return $this->completeRequest($event);

     * Complete the request
     * Triggers "render" and "finish" events, and returns response from
     * event object.
     * @param  MvcEvent $event
     * @return Application
    protected function completeRequest(MvcEvent $event)
        $events = $this->events;

        $event->stopPropagation(false); // Clear before triggering

        $event->stopPropagation(false); // Clear before triggering

        return $this;