has('config') || ! array_key_exists(self::class, $container->get('config'))) { return false; } $config = $container->get('config'); $dependencies = $config[self::class]; return is_array($dependencies) && array_key_exists($requestedName, $dependencies); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __invoke(\Interop\Container\ContainerInterface $container, $requestedName, array $options = null) { if (! $container->has('config')) { throw new ServiceNotCreatedException('Cannot find a config array in the container'); } $config = $container->get('config'); if (! (is_array($config) || $config instanceof ArrayObject)) { throw new ServiceNotCreatedException('Config must be an array or an instance of ArrayObject'); } if (! array_key_exists(self::class, $config)) { throw new ServiceNotCreatedException('Cannot find a `' . self::class . '` key in the config array'); } $dependencies = $config[self::class]; if (! is_array($dependencies) || ! array_key_exists($requestedName, $dependencies) || ! is_array($dependencies[$requestedName]) ) { throw new ServiceNotCreatedException('Dependencies config must exist and be an array'); } $serviceDependencies = $dependencies[$requestedName]; if ($serviceDependencies !== array_values(array_map('strval', $serviceDependencies))) { $problem = json_encode(array_map('gettype', $serviceDependencies)); throw new ServiceNotCreatedException('Service message must be an array of strings, ' . $problem . ' given'); } $arguments = array_map([$container, 'get'], $serviceDependencies); return new $requestedName(...$arguments); } }