# Gravatar Helper

The `Gravatar` helper is useful for rendering image HTML markup returned from
the [gravatar.com](http://gravatar.com) service.

## Basic Usage

You can use the `Gravatar` helper anywhere in view scripts per the following example:

echo $this->gravatar('email@example.com')->getImgTag();

The first (and only, in this example) argument passed to the `Gravatar` helper
is an e-mail for which you want grab an avatar from gravatar.com. For
convenience, this e-mail will be automatically hashed via the md5 algorithm.

This will render the HTML below:

<img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5658ffccee7f0ebfda2b226238b1eb6e?s=80&d=mm&r=g">

The helper already provides URL defaults for you.

## Custom Settings

You can customize the request for a gravatar.com image by using setter methods
on the view helper:

$gravatar = $this->gravatar();

// Set the email instead of passing it via helper invocation

// Set the image size you want gravatar.com to return, in pixels

// Set the default avatar image to use if gravatar.com does not find a match
$gravatar->setDefaultImg( \Zend\View\Helper\Gravatar::DEFAULT_MM );

// Set the avatar "rating" threshold (often used to omit NSFW avatars)
$gravatar->setRating( \Zend\View\Helper\Gravatar::RATING_G );

// Indicate that a secure URI should be used for the image source

// Render the <img> tag with the email you've set previously
echo $gravatar->getImgTag();

Alternately, you can pass an array as the second argument on invocation, with
the following keys:

$settings = [
    'img_size'    => 40,
    'default_img' => \Zend\View\Helper\Gravatar::DEFAULT_MM,
    'rating'      => \Zend\View\Helper\Gravatar::RATING_G,
    'secure'      => null,
$email = 'email@example.com';
echo $this->gravatar($email, $settings);

> ### Scheme autodiscovery
> Passing `null` for the `secure` setting will cause the view helper to choose a
> schema that matches the current request to your application. This is the
> default behavior.

As you can see in the above examples, there are predefined settings for the
default image and rating.

The Gravatar helper defines the following constants for ratings:


The helper defines the following constants for the default image: 

- `DEFAULT_404`

You may also provide custom attributes for the generated `img` tag. To do this,
pass an attributes array to the `setAttributes()` method:

$gravatar = $this->gravatar('email@example.com');

// Suppose that I want to add the class attribute with a value of
// "gravatarcls" to the rendered <img> tag:
$attr = [
    'class' => 'gravatarcls',
echo $gravatar->setAttributes($attr)->getImgTag(); 

Alternately, you can pass this array as the third argument during helper

$email = 'email@example.com';
$settings = [
    'default_img' => \Zend\View\Helper\Gravatar::DEFAULT_MM,
$attr = [
    'class' => 'gravatar-image',
    'id'    => 'gravatar',

echo $this->gravatar($email, $settings, $attr);