'items', 'Swagger\Annotations\Property' => ['properties', 'property'], 'Swagger\Annotations\ExternalDocumentation' => 'externalDocs', 'Swagger\Annotations\Xml' => 'xml' ]; /** @inheritdoc */ public static $_parents = [ 'Swagger\Annotations\Parameter', 'Swagger\Annotations\Property', 'Swagger\Annotations\Schema', 'Swagger\Annotations\Definition', 'Swagger\Annotations\Items', 'Swagger\Annotations\Header', ]; /** @inheritdoc */ public function validate($parents = [], $skip = [], $ref = '') { if (in_array($this, $skip, true)) { return true; } $valid = parent::validate($parents, $skip); if (!$this->ref) { $parent = end($parents); if (is_object($parent) && ($parent instanceof Parameter && $parent->in !== 'body' || $parent instanceof Header)) { // This is a "Items Object" https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#items-object // A limited subset of JSON-Schema's items object. $allowedTypes = ['string', 'number', 'integer', 'boolean', 'array']; if (in_array($this->type, $allowedTypes) === false) { Logger::notice('@SWG\Items()->type="'.$this->type.'" not allowed inside a '.$parent->_identity([]).' must be "'.implode('", "', $allowedTypes).'" in ' . $this->_context); $valid = false; } } } return $valid; // @todo Additional validation when used inside a Header or Parameter context. } }